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首頁 / 報名專區 / 2024年度 / 【視訊課程/全英文】Obtaining trade mark protection in Europe - systems and approaches


【視訊課程/全英文】Obtaining trade mark protection in Europe - systems and approaches


時間:2024/08/13 18:30~20:30


主辦單位:社團法人中華民國專利師公會 商標實務委員會

講題:Obtaining trade mark protection in Europe - systems and approaches

主講人:Dr. Carl-Richard Haarmann (BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT)



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會員: $0

非會員: $1,000




🌍主講人Dr. Carl-Richard Haarmann(BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT)


Carl-Richard Haarmann focuses on infringement proceedings in patent and trade mark law, and on trade mark portfolio management. He studied law in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Leuven, and Münster. He spent part of the period of his studies in Canada and South Africa. His dissertation dealt with particular aspects of contract law.


Carl-Richard Haarmann has been practising law at BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT since 1997. His work as a partner comprises the management of trade mark portfolios of international companies as well as medium-sized companies. Additionally, he represents clients in German and cross-border infringement proceedings not only in patent law but also in trademark law. He is also comprehensively involved in licensing law.


Carl-Richard Haarmann is a visiting lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Munich and guest professor at the Graduate School of Material Science of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Carl-Richard Haarmann has also been appointed visiting professor at the Xiangtan University, PR China, and visiting faculty at the National Law University Delhi, India.


BEST LAWYERS lists Carl-Richard Haarmann among the best lawyers in Germany in 2021 and LEGAL 500 Germany 2021 highlights his activities in the areas of trade mark and competition law for the fourth time in a row and thus repeatedly ranks him among the lawyers recommended by Legal 500. Dr. Haarmann was also awarded the “Trade mark star 2021” by Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars.


Carl-Richard Haarmann is a member of the Munich and Dusseldorf Bar Association, the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR), the International Association of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA), the Licensing Executives Society Deutsche Landesgruppe e.V. (LES), the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), and the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA).



Obtaining trade mark protection in Europe - systems and approaches



(三)、本次在職進修課程將採用Cisco Webex Meetings

          銀 行:臺灣中小企業銀行復興分行
          戶 名:社團法人中華民國專利師公會
          帳 號:070-12-073873

(八)、若臨時不克出席,請於8/7(三) 17:00前,以電郵(wen11@twpaa.org.tw)通知本會取消報名。
(九)、活動聯絡人:中華民國專利師公會02-2701-1990分機11 許小姐wen11@twpaa.org.tw


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