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首頁 / 報名專區 / 2020年度 / European Patent Practice And The Latest Update


European Patent Practice And The Latest Update


時間:2020/08/26 18:30~21:30


主辦單位:中華民國專利師公會 在職進修委員會/國際事務委員會

講題:European Patent Practice And The Latest Update

主講人:Dr. Heinz Goddar /Ms. Eva Liesegang /Andres Lucke



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會員: NT$500

非會員: NT$1,000



(一)Prof. Dr. Heinz Goddar


Heinz Goddar with his office at Munich has a technical background as well as a PHD degree in physics, with a focus on polymer physics.
He teaches Patent and Licensing Law as an honorary Professor at the University of Bremen, Germany, as a lecturer at the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC) , Munich, Germany as a visiting Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A., and the Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, China, and as a Consultant Professor at Huazhong University, Wuhan, China.
Furthermore he lectures IP Law at the Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, and is an Adjunct Professor in an Honorable Consultant in International Legal Services at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
He is Director of the Global Institute of lntellectual Property (GIIP), Delhi, India. He is a Past President of LES International and of LES Germany, and has received the Gold Medal of LES International in 2005. Professor Goddar has been inducted into the IAM IP Hall of fame in 2014. Furthermore, he is an ad-personam member of the EPO's Standing Advisory Committee (SACEPO).

(二)Ms. Eva Liesegang


Eva Liesegang has extensive experience in advising large and mid-sized German companies in all matters of patent law, and representing multinational corporations in European and German patent matters, including patent infringement, opposition and nullity proceedings. Her expertise covers prosecuting and enforcing intellectual property rights, as much as building up patent departments, handling employee inventions and developing portfolio strategies. 
She deals with industrial property rights in large range of technologies, having an emphasis in the areas of IT, communication technology, semiconductor technology, and drive engineering.
Eva Liesegang studied electrical engineering at the Technical University Munich and specialized in control engineering and automation systems. She gained practical experience as an engineer at a Munich-based systems engineering company, developing and programming computer and microprocessor-aided automatic control and interface systems.

(三)Dr. Andreas Lucke


Andreas Lucke is involved with building and maintaining patent portfolios in the fields of optical networks, semiconductor technology, medical engineering, IT, and software patents. One focus of his work is patent prosecution for universities, German, and international research institutions and spin-offs resulting therefrom. Andreas Lucke regularly conducts patent infringement, opposition and nullity proceedings.
He has been a tutor at the Robert-Schuman-University in Strasburg, France (CEIPI) since 2007, where he prepares candidates for the European patent attorney qualification exam. He also teaches the local CEIPI course in Munich. Since 2016, he teaches patent law at the University of Applied Science in Munich.
Andreas Lucke studied physics in Konstanz, Freiburg, and the University of Massachusetts, where he received his Master of Science. During his PhD, he did research on quantum coherence in electron transfer reactions at the Institute of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics at the Freiburg University and at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.


時間: 議程安排:
18:30-18:40 (TW time)

Opening/Introduction by TWPAA moderator of speakers and of Boehmert & Boehmert and short presentation of B&B

18:40-19:15 (一)講者:Prof. Dr. Heinz Goddar
European/German patent strategy including UPC and Brexit (Heinz Goddar)
19:15-19:30 Q&A, Discussion
19:30-20:20 (二)講者:Ms. Eva Liesegang
Brief guide to EPO grant procedure, and Examination at the EPO, claim drafting, problem solution approach (Eva Liesegang)
20:20-20:30 Break 中場休息
20:30-21:15 (三)講者:Dr. Andreas Lucke
Practical advice for EP prosecution, pitfalls, unity of invention, admissibility of amendments (Andreas Lucke)
21:15-21:30 Q&A, Closing


(四)、本次在職進修課程將採用Cisco Webex Meetings
           銀 行:臺灣中小企業銀行復興分行
           戶 名:中華民國專利師公會
           帳 號:070-12-073873

(八 )、本會於活動結束後一個月內依據「專利師及專利代理人在職進修辦法」登檔造冊3小時予經濟部智慧財產局,惠請參與之專利師及專利代理人於課程活動結束後一個月後至經濟部智慧財產局E網通入口網站登入查詢。
(九)、若臨時不克出席,請於8/21(五) 18:00前,以電郵(mail@twpaa.org.tw)通知本會取消報名。
(十)、活動聯絡人:中華民國專利師公會02-2701-1990分機12 黃小姐mail@twpaa.org.tw


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